virus hepatitis |
Tattoos and piercings youth increasingly popular in the country . In fact , it is one way of transmission of viral hepatitis . Because of this , young people are encouraged to be careful if you want tattooed and pierced his limbs .
This condition is mostly caused by tattoos and piercings using not sterilized or used interchangeably . If someone tattooed or pierced with contaminated tools hepatitis virus , it infected the virus vulnerable . " Hepatitis transmitted through blood and body fluids , " he said .
In addition to tattoos and body piercing with equipment contaminated with virus , hepatitis can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected hepatitis , blood transfusions , and injections . On hepatitis A , transmission can be through contaminated food that virus .
" They are also at high risk of infection among injecting drug users , recipients of blood transfusions , and health care workers , " said Superior . Newborn babies are also at risk for infection from mothers with hepatitis .
Therefore, hepatitis infection predicted growing as more and more people are tattooed , pierced , and needle sharing among drug users . " More than 80 percent of injecting drug users infected with hepatitis , " said Superior .
Disease progression was also influenced by a history of chronic hepatitis in the family , excessive alcohol consumption , and fatty liver . "Therefore , in patients with alcohol consumption habits should be stopped , " he said .
Hepatitis is a liver infection by hepatitis virus . Some types of hepatitis are prevalent is hepatitis A , B , and C. In Indonesia , 2-4 percent of the total population suffer from hepatitis C or 4-8 million people . Number of cases of hepatitis B 5-10 percent of the population .
Chairman of the Department of Health Working Group on Hepatitis Ali Sulaiman explained , hepatitis A is acute , not a chronic , and can recover completely . Only about 0.5 percent of patients who experience an acute attack to be fatal or endanger the safety of his soul .
This is in contrast to hepatitis B and C which include chronic liver disease or chronic . If not treated properly , the patient can experience liver cirrhosis within 15-30 years from hepatitis, even liver cancer .
However , many patients do not know if it is infected with hepatitis because there are usually no symptoms . As a result in many people , the infection can become chronic or lead to permanent liver disorders , such as cirrhosis and even liver failure or liver cancer .
double infection
In addition , patients may suffer from more than one type of hepatitis . Double infection some kind of viral hepatitis needs to watch out as some kind of increase in the number of cases of hepatitis and HIV transmission .
In hepatitis A outbreaks in several countries in the world have been found in cases of dual infection of hepatitis . In Shanghai , China , for example , of 300,000 people , there are a number of people who become infected with hepatitis double .
Those at high risk of several other types of viral hepatitis among injecting drug users and people living with HIV . Those infected with hepatitis from an early age is also at risk of developing several types of hepatitis disease if not promptly treated medically .
" The percentage to be heavy or severe condition in patients with dual infection of hepatitis is higher than in patients with one type of hepatitis , " said Ali . If not handled properly , it would accelerate the course of the disease to develop complications and liver failure , and even death .
" If someone is suffering from hepatitis double infection , the course of the disease to cirrhosis and liver cancer is so much faster , less than 10 years since the double infection , " said Superior .
Patients can suffer from more than one disease simultaneously hepatitis , both hepatitis A and B or C , and hepatitis B and C. However , there are also patients affected by a new type of hepatitis other hepatitis types followed the so-called super - infection and more difficult to cure .
" Because hepatitis A is acute , doctors usually deal with the disease first and then treat other types of hepatitis , " he said . Symptoms of hepatitis A can occur in a period of one month after infection include yellow , flu-like syndrome .
To prevent the occurrence of double infection , patients with hepatitis A and C should be given the hepatitis B vaccine Patients with hepatitis B or C are also recommended to undergo vaccination hepatitis A. The hepatitis C vaccine has not been found .
Sources : Kompas.com