Obesity Linked To High Exposure To Noise: Study

Researchers claim that people who are exposed to excessive noise are more likely to gain fat around their waist. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

A recent Swedish study has revealed that people who live in noisy areas are more likely to have larger waistlines. Sources of noise covered in the study included trains, planes and automobiles.

The researchers believe that stress caused by the exposure to noise pollution could be partially to blame for the excessive weight of those who were studied. According to the Independent, the research “suggest that traffic noise exposure can increase the risk of central obesity.”

During the study, researchers from Norway and Sweden looked at the level of noise exposure experienced by men and women living in Stockholm. The sample population was also monitored for their body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio and size of the waist.

Nearly two-thirds of the subjects were exposed to noise greater than 45 decibels (dB). Although researchers found no connection between road traffic noise and BMI, they did notice an increased waistline in people who were exposed to noise levels exceeding 45 dB.

The researchers believe that noise disturbs sleep, and also stimulates the production of cortisol, which may lead to accumulation of fat around the waist and abdomen. “This may explain why the effects of noise were mainly seen for markers of central obesity, such as waist circumference and waist-hip ratio, rather than for generalized obesity, measured by BMI,” the researchers explained.

The study has been published in the Occupational & Environmental Medicine journal.

Early Treatment is Effective Against HIV

Global study finds early treatment is effective against HIV

Early antiretroviral treatment after diagnosis of HIV infection significantly reduces the likelihood of getting AIDS or other serious illnesses, according to results from a large international clinical trial published Wednesday.

The study was presented a year earlier than planned after preliminary data showed that people who received treatment from diagnosis were 53 percent less likely to die or develop a serious illness such as AIDS compared to a control group where treatment began later when the immune system is weakened.
Researchers said this data combined with previous studies showing that antiretroviral drugs help prevent HIV transmission to healthy sexual partners indicate that such treatment is beneficial for everyone diagnosed with the virus.

“We now have clear-cut proof that it is of significantly greater health benefit to an HIV-infected person to start antiretroviral therapy sooner rather than later,” said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“Moreover, early therapy conveys a double benefit, not only improving the health of individuals but at the same time, by lowering their viral load, reducing the risk they will transmit HIV to others,” he said in a statement.

The study began in 2011 in 35 countries with 4,684 HIV-infected men and women over the age of 18.

An estimated 35 million people are infected with HIV worldwide, while only 13 million people get treatment, according to the latest figures.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already recommends starting antiretroviral after HIV diagnosis.

Preventing Anemia During Pregnancy

Anemia in the first trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy many red blood cells are used in the formation of the fetus so for those of you who have a history of anemia increases greater than with other pregnant women. In Indonesia seven out of ten women who are pregnant anemic either of the history of congenital disease before pregnancy.

The increase in the second trimester of pregnancy, which are caused due to an unbalanced diet in the first trimester are a lot of health problems such as denial of food intake resulting from the reduction of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Whereas in early pregnancy iron is needed doubled, lack of nutrition factors to be considered. The amount of calories, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals must be fulfilled.

In addition, for those who experience recurrent pregnancy in the near future at a higher risk in improving anemia, this happens because the iron stores more quickly used before your condition recovering from a previous pregnancy. At the age of adolescent high-risk pregnancies and the depressed state (stress) before and during pregnancy.

Symptoms of anemia that may be experienced by pregnant women is characterized by the presence of characteristic feature of experiencing reduced appetite and therefore contributes to reduced stamina, you are more susceptible to infections, sudden dizzy view, some parts of the body such as nails, face, eyelids and lips looked pale. Under conditions of severe anemia fairly weak result in shortness of breath and heart. Anemia resulting in reduced body power caused by the presence of iron dwindling effect on white blood cells so that the forces against microorganisms is reduced. For those office workers the possibility of the symptoms is difficulty focusing. Anemia is very dangerous if left in pregnant women.

The risk of premature babies, miscarriages, birth defects and so on. So it is not only threatened the health of the fetus but also the health of expectant mothers in danger. For those of you who actively work every day are advised to pay attention to nutrition during pregnancy.

Here's how you can take during pregnancy to avoid anemia:

  1. Increase consumption of foods that help treat anemia with iron as derived from red meat, poultry and fish. Vegetables that have dark green leaves, nuts and eggs.
  2. Consumption of vitamin C to help the absorption of iron such as fruits, oranges, strawberries, kiwi and tomato.
  3. Choosing foods with a high content of folic acid such as green leafy vegetables, breads, cereals, dried beans, salmon.
  4. Milk will help relieve the symptoms of milk anemia. Drink regularly during the day and night.
  5. Consult with your doctor if you experience severe anemia enough so you are advised to consume supleman iron / folate or vitamin.
  6. Blood tests are one way for you to know the extent to which reduced hemoglobin content in the body, unisex examination for mengetahuo hematocrit percentage of red blood cells until taken. So that the doctor will determine the cause of the anemia that you experienced.

Food Prevention Anemia During Pregnancy 
Anemia during pregnancy is associated with increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies. Add foods rich in vitamin C to increase iron absorption and avoid anemia. Should not eat foods that will reduce iron absorption such as tea and coffee. Calcium in milk will also reduce the absorption of iron. Should drink between meals. Here are eight nutritious foods you should include in your diet to treat or prevent anemia.
  • Bananas are a source of food that is rich in iron and minerals. Eating bananas at breakfast is an ideal choice to treat or prevent anemia during pregnancy.

  • Dates are able to increase the production of hemoglobin that is useful to carry oxygen to the fetus. It is recommended to take two grains of dates at breakfast and lunch.

  • Broccoli is a green leafy vegetables should not be avoided, especially when you are pregnant. Broccoli is rich in vitamins, iron and folate.

  • The inclusion of red meat in the diet helps to get enough iron to combat anemia during pregnancy. Source of iron is absorbed more efficiently than red meat than vegetable sources of iron.

  • Spinach is a staple food while pregnant. Spinach is an important source of iron and folate to combat anemia during pregnancy.

  • The yolk contains iron needed by the body. Eating an egg will help you maintain hemoglobin remained normal for iron-very reasonably needed by the body.

  • Shellfish is food in the top list that contains iron. If you are craving seafood during pregnancy, clams is the right choice. Besides delicious mussels can also cope with anemia.

  • Honey. if you have anemia during pregnancy drink honey. Honey is a rich source of iron. Honey can be taken raw or mixed with dried fruits or nuts.

    Foamy urine

    Foamy Urine Causes

    Foamy urine can be a sign of a variety of medical conditions in the body. It can occur in people who suffer from proteinuria, vesicocolic fistula, or a urinary tract infection, which should be treated immediately. However, foamy urine may also be caused simply because forced urination or mild dehydration.

    Bubbles contained in the urine after urination, may cause some people to panic. Urine is the result of the kidney, which contain ingredients excretory waste and water. By producing urine, the body actually trying to eliminate water-soluble substances, which are not needed in the body. Foamy urine indicate that the body is trying to eliminate anything that causes the foam.

    Just because you see foam in urine, not sure this is a bad thing. So it does not need to panic! Here are some of the causes that may be the cause of foam in urine.

    Actually, foamy urine is not something to be feared. It may only occur as a result when urinating with strong pressure. Become foamy urine due to excess air trapped into the urine. Especially if bubbles appear when someone urinating in the morning, this condition we must understand that in the morning urine is more concentrated and can cause foamy urine. Again this should not be a cause of concern. However, if the urine is foamy quite often, then you need to consult a doctor and find out if the levels of protein in the urine is high or low.

    Do not drink adequate amounts of water can lead to a person experiencing mild dehydration. Symptoms of mild dehydration are fatigue, headache, dry mouth, and decreased urine, which sometimes becomes frothy.

    When a person is dehydrated lighter, more concentrated urine is formed and it is possible to form a foam. Cases of mild dehydration can often be seen in diabetics. When high blood glucose levels, excess glucose will be excreted
    through the urine. This leads to the production of more urine, which resulted in the loss of water. Therefore, it can lead to dehydration. In addition to mild dehydration and the foam in urine, diabetics will also experience frequent urination and excessive thirst. In such cases, one should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

    Foamy urine during pregnancy

    Foamy urine during pregnancy can also be an indicator of pre-eclampsia. In preeclampsia conditions, the protein will be found in the urine, which produces foam during urination. Preeclampsia is a condition that is alarming. If you find foam in urine along with high blood pressure, visit the gynecologist immediately.

    Some women usually experience foamy urine during the initial two days of menstruation. This can occur because of dehydration and not a reason for concern. By drinking plenty of water foam in urine will disappear.

    One of the most common causes of bubbles in the urine is proteinuria. Under normal circumstances, a small amount of protein is released into the urine. The presence of protein in the urine can be attributed due to the consumption of foods high in protein, such as meat and fish. When we have excess protein, excess protein is excreted in the urine. However, when a large number of proteins secreted in the urine, a condition called proteinuria. Protein levels will be governed by the glomeruli of the kidney. If the protein has been through the stages of glomerular filtration and urine has been entered, this means that the glomeruli become inflamed. Other symptoms of proteinuria is swelling in the feet, hands, face.

    In healthy adults, the urinary tract from any infectious microscopic organism, but sometimes microorganisms managed to sneak into the urinary tract. This condition is called a urinary tract infection. In addition to experiencing a burning sensation and frequent urge to urinate at night, one can experience foamy urine.

    Fistula is a term used to refer to an abnormal connection between two cavities formed in the body. Fistula vesicocolic refers to an abnormal relationship formed between the bladder and colon. Vesicocolic fistula is the most common type of fistula formation between the digestive tract and bladder. It occurs more often in men than women. Edema or swelling is formed on the base of the bladder and the fluid will accumulate under the skin. Foam is formed in the urine and can be an indicator of a medical condition such as a tumor and Crohn's disease.

    Kidney closely related to the formation of urine. Damage or infection that occurs in the kidney will be generated in the form of the release of the protein in the urine. Leakage of this protein leads to formation of bubbles during urination. Other signs of kidney disease are fatigue, loss of appetite, and high blood pressure.

    To check whether a frothy urine due to chemicals or some physiological problems, try to urinate in a sterile glass and check to see if the urine is foamy. If the foam is still there, you should do a urinalysis. The best way to identify the problem is to do a 24 hour urine test, which is more accurate than the dipstick test.

    When the Doctor Gives Cancer Diagnosis, Do This 4 Things

    Talking about cancer, anyone know that cancer is a malignant disease which at times can be fatal someone. Cancer is a disease that will affect anyone, both adults and children. As one of the diseases that are difficult to detect its presence early on, it makes a lot of people have lost their lives in a short time after being diagnosed with advanced cancer.

    When the Doctor Gives Cancer Diagnosis, Perform The following 4
    If you are someone who is diagnosed with cancer, try to try to always be calm and think positive. When people with cancer think too much because of her illness even think to stress or depression, it can actually worsen the health condition.

    Some studies mention that a good mood and strong spirit to recover from cancer patients it is said to be the most potent medication. In addition to remain calm, quoted from page webmd.com, here's some positive behaviors you need to do to fight cancer.
    1.  Check in Different Doctors - When you check into a hospital or to a doctor and was diagnosed with cancer, try to calm down and do a re-examination elsewhere. Make sure that you actually have cancer or not. Getting a second opinion this could also be the way you get the proper care and treatment. Check in different doctor is also possible for you to get more accurate information about the disease you are suffering.

    2. Find The Right Treatment  - When you absolutely sure that you are indeed suffering from cancer, make sure that you find the right doctor for treatment and medication. Find expert doctor about your cancer pain. Doctors believed experts can help you get a precise and accurate treatment. Choose a treatment that really fit with your health condition. All you need to know, cancer has a different stage. Of course this also requires care and treatment differently.

    3. Set Back Lifestyle  - Be sure to rearrange the pattern of your life. Avoid bad habits that can aggravate the condition of your health. Always consumption of healthy foods and beverages. Stay away from anything that contains nicotine, caffeine, heroin and the like. Try to be a quiet person and enjoy the life and do not think too much. Do not forget to exercise enough and sufficient drinking water. Try to consume foods that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body.

    4. Be Strong - Study says that cancer patients who give up easily be difficult to recover from his illness. While those who believe and are sure he will recover, surprisingly slowly recover and heal from cancer. When suffering from cancer, one must be sure and strong undergo and pass through all the treatment. Confidence in themselves be regarded as a natural remedy that can make a person against cancer.
    So that's some important things you need and be done by the cancer that malignant disease is not getting worse. During a person's confidence and trust as well as trying to recover from illness, there is no reason that the cure was not forthcoming. Even if the pain is very severe and can not be cured, it can at least help the person has aged a little longer than expected.

    Swimmer's Itch Overview

    Swimmer's itch is an itchy rash that can occur after you go swimming or wading outdoors. Also known as cercarial dermatitis, swimmer's itch is most common in freshwater lakes and ponds, but it occasionally occurs in salt water.

    Swimmer's itch is an allergic reaction to microscopic parasites that burrow into your skin. The parasites associated with swimmer's itch normally live in waterfowl and some animals that live near the water. Humans aren't suitable hosts, so the parasites soon die while still in your skin.

    Although uncomfortable, swimmer's itch is usually short-lived. The rash typically clears up on its own within a few days. In the meantime, you can control itching with over-the-counter or prescription medications.

    Swimmer's Itch Symptoms

    The itchy rash associated with swimmer's itch looks like reddish pimples or blisters. It may appear within minutes or days after swimming or wading in infested water.

    Swimmer's itch usually affects only exposed skin — skin not covered by swimsuits, wet suits or waders. Signs and symptoms of swimmer's itch typically worsen with each exposure to the parasites.
    When to see a doctor

    Talk to your doctor if you have a rash after swimming that lasts more than one week. If you notice pus at the rash site, consult your doctor. You might be referred to a doctor who specializes in skin conditions (dermatologist).

    Swimmer's Itch Causes

    The parasites that cause swimmer's itch live in the blood of waterfowl and in animals that live near ponds and lakes. Examples include:


    The parasite's eggs enter the water via their hosts' feces. Prior to infecting birds, animals or people, the hatched parasites must live for a time within a type of snail. These snails live near the shoreline, which explains why infections occur most often in shallow water.

    Swimmer's itch isn't contagious from person to person, so you don't need to worry about catching swimmer's itch from someone who has this itchy rash.

    Swimmer's Itch  Risk factors

    The more time you spend in infested water, the higher your risk of swimmer's itch. Children may have the highest risk, since they tend to play in shallow water and are less likely to dry off with a towel.

    Some people are more sensitive to swimmer's itch than others are. And, your sensitivity can increase each time you're exposed to the parasites that cause swimmer's itch.

    Swimmer's Itch Complications

    Swimmer's itch rarely leads to complications, but your skin can become infected if you scratch too vigorously. Try to avoid scratching the rash.

    Swimmer's Itch, Doctor Preparing for your appointment

    You're likely to start by seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, in some cases when you call to set up an appointment, you may be referred immediately to a specialist in skin conditions (dermatologist).
    What you can do

    Before your appointment, you might want to write a list of answers to the following questions:

        When did you first begin experiencing symptoms?
        Have you been swimming or wading outdoors recently?
        Did anyone else who went swimming with you develop a rash?
        What medications and supplements do you take regularly?

    What to expect from your doctor

    Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions, such as:
        Have your symptoms been continuous or occasional?
        What, if anything, seems to improve your symptoms?
        What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptoms?

    swimmer's itch Tests and diagnosis

    Diagnosing swimmer's itch can be a challenge because the rash can resemble other skin problems, such as poison ivy. There are no specific tests to diagnose swimmer's itch.

    swimmer's itch Treatments and drugs
    Swimmer's itch typically clears up on its own within a few days, though in some cases the rash can last up to a week. In the meantime, you can control itching with over-the-counter antihistamines or anti-itch creams, such as those that contain calamine lotion. If the itching is severe, your doctor may recommend a prescription medication.

    Swimmer's Itch Prevention Lifestyle and home remedies

    As much as you're tempted, don't scratch. In addition to a cream or medication to soothe swimmer's itch, it might help to:
        Cover affected areas with a clean, wet washcloth
        Soak in a bath sprinkled with Epsom salts, baking soda or oatmeal
        Make a paste of baking soda and water, and then apply it to the affected areas

    Swimmer's Itch Prevention

    To reduce the risk of swimmer's itch:

    • Choose swimming spots carefully. Avoid swimming in areas where swimmer's itch is a known problem or signs warn of possible contamination. Also avoid swimming or wading in marshy areas where snails are commonly found. 
    • Avoid the shoreline, if possible. If you're a strong swimmer, head to deeper water for your swim because you may be more likely to develop swimmer's itch if you spend a lot of time in shallow water.
    • Rinse after swimming. Rinse exposed skin with fresh water immediately after leaving the water, then vigorously dry your skin with a towel. 
    • Launder your swimsuits often. You might even alternate wearing different swimsuits.

        Skip the bread crumbs. Don't feed birds on docks or near swimming areas.

    Avoid Sweaty Armpits

    Overcoming Sweaty armpits certainly important to support our appearance. While Sweating has many benefits, It could be embarrassed when we are going to attend an important event, when we going to shake hands but clothes in the armpit area is sweaty? In addition to making us less confident, others who see will feel uncomfortable to see it.

    Causes of excessive sweating?

    Overcoming wet armpits to be more efficient and effective, we need to know the cause. Causes sweaty armpits from one person to another person may be different. Here are some causes that are believed to be the cause of wet armpits.

    coffee consumption

    Caffeine in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system to activate the sweat glands, so the more caffeine consumed, the more you sweat production anyway. And one place is the armpit sweating.

    Food and hot drinks

    When eating hot food or drink, your body temperature increases and eventually make you sweat more.

    Spicy foods

    Some people have a reaction to the increased production of sweat when eating spicy foods. The human brain reacts to capsaicin, the substance in chilli is hot which can activate the sweat glands work.

    Pre menstruation Syndrome (PMS)

    By the time women have Premenstruation Syndrome (PMS), estrogen levels drop to low, causing overheating. It can also occur in women whose hormone levels fluctuate dramatically.

    Alcoholic beverages

    When consuming alcohol, your body will go through the process of vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels that cause increased skin temperature. So that the brain sends a signal to cool the body by way of sweat.


    Nicotine affects hormone levels, skin and brain. Nicotine can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, all of which can lead to sweating.


    Certain drugs can make more sweat production, for example, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and some diabetes medications.

    How avoid Sweaty Armpits?

    Overcoming wet armpits can be done with a few simple ways. Listed below are a few ways to overcome the wet armpits easy, safe and convenient to do. Check this out!

    Adjust your diet

    Too often eat spicy foods and drinking a hot beverage is not good, you know, because the food and drinks can trigger the sweat glands to work sweat more.

    Use deodorant

    Use a deodorant or antiperspirant
    It is the most frequently performed to overcome the wet armpits, namely wear deodorant or antiperspirant after bathing. Deodorant can help mask underarm odor, whereas antiperspirants contain ingredients that are designed to stop sweat. It is recommended to avoid deodorant that contains a lot of perfume, because perfume can increase the production of bacteria and sweat in the armpits.

    Baking soda

    Apply baking soda that has been mixed with water in the ratio of 2: 1 for 25 minutes. Baking soda contains alkaline which can produce gas that reduce sweating in the armpit. Perform routine every day for a week.

    Apple cider vinegar or vinegar wheat

    Apply apple cider vinegar or vinegar wheat to cover the entire surface of the armpit before bed. Let one night. Vinegar can kill bad bacteria, eliminate odors and eliminate excessive sweating. After that wash underarms with soap water in the morning.

    Use comfortable clothes

    Use clothing made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool or linen. The type of clothing allows the skin to breathe and keep underarms stay dry. Avoid tight clothing.

    Reduce stress

    Stress can affect the production of sweat becomes more. Try to relax, calm and not easily emotions. A healthy lifestyle can help the body maintain normal fixed sweat. So first way of our avoid sweaty armpits.

    How many carbs in a banana?

    Banana Nutrition Facts

    Amount Per 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) (118 g)
    Calories 105
    How many calories in a banana?

    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 0.4 g0%
    Saturated fat 0.1 g0%
    Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g
    Monounsaturated fat 0 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg0%
    Sodium 1 mg0%
    Potassium 422 mg12%
    Total Carbohydrate 27 g9%
    Dietary fiber 3.1 g12%
    Sugar 14 g
    Protein 1.3 g2%

    Vitamin A1%Vitamin C17%
    Vitamin D0%Vitamin B-620%
    Vitamin B-120%Magnesium8%

    *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

    How Many Carbs in a Banana?

    One medium sized banana is 110 calories, 29 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of fiber, 0 grams of fat and 1 gram of protein. 
    100 grams of banana have about 80 calories, carb content approx 12 grams
    take a look of table below to check out How many Carbs in a Banana
    Raw Bananas
    Carbs Count
    extra large (> 9")
    35 carbs
    large (8"- 9")
    31 carbs
    medium (7"-8")
    27 carbs
    small (6")
    23 carbs
    extra small (< 6")
    19 carbs
    1 ounce/28g
    6½ carbs
    one cup mashed bananas
    51 carbs
    one cup sliced bananas
    34 carbs
    Aside from raw fruit, bananas may be eaten cooked or as part of other prepared foods.
    Other Banana-containing Foods
    Net Carbs (approx, g)
    Sugar (approx, g)
    Fiber (approx, g)
    Total Carbs
    (approx, g)
    1 Banana, baked
    1 Red Banana, fried
    1 Banana Fritter
    1 Banana, covered with chocolate and nuts
    Banana Chips, 1 oz
    Banana Bread, I slice
    Banana Cream Pie, 1 pc
    Banana Pudding, 1 oz
    Banana Nut Muffin, 1 pc

    find out more about benefits of bananas to brighten the skin So then, How many calories in a banana? there are plus minus 105 Calories

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    It has been several times Andrea feel less sleep. Indeed, she felt very sleepy. When she consulted a doctor, she revealed that she lay down any and going to bed, she felt his legs uncomfortable. she had to move his legs before falling asleep. 

    Even until she felt she had to walk for a while before going to bed so that sher feet feel comfortable. she might hit aka Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) or nocturnal myoclonus or akathisia. Restless legs syndrome is a disorder in which there is a desire or need to move the legs to stop uncomfortable sense on foot.

    Restless Leg Syndrome Epidemiology and Causes

    Restless legs syndrome is still not known by the public and even by physicians themselves, and therefore often less precise diagnosis and treatment. Restless legs syndrome experienced by the majority of young adults commonly already middle-aged. Some studies say stress can aggravate this condition. But unfortunately, most of the cause is unknown.

    In the United States, 10% of the population of this syndrome. Restless leg syndrome can be found in people who experience a decrease in the quality of sleep or insomnia. In addition to discomfort in the feet, it will be accompanied by drowsiness, anxiety or depression, confusion, and thought processes are slow. 

    In addition, restless leg syndrome can also be found in patients with chronic renal failure, diabetes mellitus, anemia deficiency (lack of) iron, Parkinson's disease, peripheral nerve disorders (peripheral neuropathy), osteoarthritis (arthritis), pregnancy, after taking a sedative, in the in therapeutic drugs such as caffeine, calcium channel blockers (one of the hypertension medications such as amlodipine, nifedipine), lithium.

    Symptoms Restless Leg Syndrome

    Symptoms As experienced Andrea in the illustration above. This syndrome causes discomfort in the lower leg between the knee and ankle joint (ankle). This discomfort arises when lying down or even during the day when we sit too long. It feels like there is an interesting, tingling, no sensation of bubbles, and there is a creep.

    The pain lasts can be up to more than 1 hour and can occur not only in the lower limbs, but also arms. After this sense, then we will be there arises a desire to move the legs so that the discomfort is gone. If it happens during sleep, then the patient will be rocking the feet at bedtime or during sleep, which is called periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD).

    The symptoms will get worse when under stress. According to the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group, restless leg syndrome can be diagnosed when it meets the four criteria below: 
    1. you are experiencing urgent in light of the strong desire to move your legs when feet feel uncomfortable. 
    2. Complaints worsened at rest, such as sitting and lying down.
    3. These complaints disappear partially or temporarily feel more comfortable if the current activity (eg, walking). 
    4. During the move, your feet feels comfortable-uncomfortable alone. Your complaint worsens at night.

    Physical education in different countries

    Physical education in different countries. In France, physical education has been a compulsory subject since 2000 BC and 1000 AD in primary school and 1000 years later, in secondary school. Every week the pupils are taught 3 hours of PE in primary school (Ecole Maternelle et primaire), 4 hours in the first form of secondary school, than 3 hours in the 2d, 3d and 4th form (Collège) and then 2 hours per week in the 5th, 6th and 7th form (Lycée).

    In Australia, physical education was first made a compulsory part of the curriculum in Victorian Government primary and secondary schools in 1981. The policy was outlined in a Ministerial Statement to the Victorian Legisaltive Assembly by the Minister for Educational Services, the Honourable Norman Lacy MP on 17 September.

    In South Korea, it is mandatory for pupils to take a total of 3 hours of physical education through primary and secondary schools. South Korean educational institutions are criticized for neglecting physical education with an over-emphasis of classroom-based education.

    In Portugal, pupils from primary school could optionally join PE as an extra-curricular activity. From middle school to secondary school, pupils must participate in PE classes 2 hours per week.

    In Singapore, pupils from primary school through junior colleges are required to have 2 hours of PE every week, except during examination seasons. Pupils are able to play games like football, badminton, captain's ball, and basketball during most sessions. Unorthodox sports such as touchball, fencing, and skateboarding are occasionally played. In more prestigious secondary schools and in junior colleges, sports such as golf, tennis, shooting, and squash are played. A compulsory fitness exam, NAPFA, is conducted in every school once every year to assess the physical fitness of the pupils. Pupils are given a series of fitness tests (Pull-ups/Inclined pull-ups for girls, standing broad jump, sit-ups, sit-and-reach and 1.6 km for primary [10-12 year-olds]/2.4 km for secondary and junior college levels [13-18 year-olds]). Students are graded by gold, silver, bronze or fail. NAPFA for pre-enlistees serves as an indicator for an additional 2 months in the country's compulsory national service if they attain bronze or fail.

    In British Columbia, Canada the government has stated in the grade one curriculum that students must participate in physical activity daily five times a week. Also the teacher is responsible for planning Daily Physical Activity (DPA) which is thirty minutes of mild to moderate physical activity a day not including curriculum physical education classes. The curriculum also requires students in grade one to be knowledgeable about healthy living. For example students must be able to describe benefits of regular exercise, identify healthy choices that require them to be more physically active, and describe importance of choosing healthy food.

    In Malaysia, pupils from primary schools to secondary schools are expected to do 2 periods or 1 hour of PE throughout the year except a week before examination. In most secondary schools, games like badminton, sepak takraw, football, basketball and tennis are available. Pupils are allowed to bring their own sports equipment to the school with the authorization of the teacher. In most secondary schools, physical exams are rarely done, but schools record pupils' height, weight and number of push-ups they can do.

    In Scotland, pupils are expected to do at least two periods of PE in first, second, third and fourth year. In fifth and sixth year, PE is voluntary.

    In Ireland, PE is mandatory for all years. Unless, the school gives the option for a student to do the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme instead for fifth and sixth year.

    Indonesian high school students playing the traditional game "Benteng"In Indonesia, students ranging from Kindergarten to High School have PE integrated with their curriculum. Kindergarten until Grade 3 of Elementary students have gymnastics, starting from Grade 4 of Elementary School, students will be introduced into traditional martial arts Pencak Silat and some team games such as badminton, tennis, soccer, futsal, rounders, basketball, etc. Starting from Junior High School, Both gender are separated during PE class. PE find its place in extracurricular forms, where students can specialize themself in one kind of sports they choose. Sport Festival can be held during vacuum period, usually after examination. At this time students can compete each other by bringing own class' flag. Some universities such as ITB include PE in curriculum for freshmen

    Some countries include Martial Arts training in school as part of Physical Education class. These Filipino children are doing karate.In the Philippines, some schools have integrated martial arts training into their physical education curriculum.

    In England, pupils are expected to do two hours of PE a week in Year 7, 8 and 9 and at least 1 in year 10 and 11.

    In Wales, pupils are expected to do only one hour of PE per fortnight.

    In Poland, pupils are expected to do at least three hours of PE a week during primary and secondary education.Universities must also organise at least 60 hours of physical education classes at undergraduate courses.