Sex makes me growing Vaginoplasty


A growing number of patients seeking vaginoplasty or vaginal tightening surgery lately . It is understandable , if sex has reached the stage of an unpleasant , the husband - wife relationship will be affected . Many patients had a decrease in his pelvis .

With vaginoplasty , perineal tissue repair and pelvic floor muscles are connected by way of suturing. Vaginal skin will be made in accordance with the hardness neatly pelvic muscles . The operation can be done by eating a day , with less pain and minimal complications . Of course it should be done by a specialist .

Vaginal skin is not removed too much because it can cause complications later , such as pain when having sex . Any problem that occurs must be resolved immediately. This is an attempt to get a " narrow measure " to improve the stimulation of vulval and vaginal tissue .

Vaginoplasty can be performed with or without the use of a laser , but the operating principle remains the same . Complications such as bleeding and infection are rare . The usual fear experienced by some women is the vagina becomes too narrow so that sex becomes fun .

Vaginoplasty success depends on personal and subjective , to the operation , the patient , or her partner . The real measure of success is when a third party is satisfied . Important for the surgeon to be sensitive to the emotional aspects of the patient and his partner because it can help increase the success ratio .

Most patients undergoing vaginoplasty are those who are experiencing early menopause and those in their 30s . They claim to have sensation and better sexual satisfaction , including the braid relation , after this surgery ( vaginoplasty ) .

However , it is important to note also that the most powerful sex organ is located between the ear, the brain . Stimulation of the clitoris and vulva will be accepted through foreplay , sending positive signals to the brain , which in turn give sexual satisfaction . However , stimulation of vaginal / vulval still need something that " fits " . Meanwhile , vaginoplasty is not the only problem-solving to improve your sex life , it is undeniable that something right is something that happens in bed .

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