Antibiotic drugs vs HD Bee Propolis

Antibiotic drugs vs HD Bee Propolis

Antibiotic drugs vs HD Bee Propolis

Never heard this joke? Foreigners in Indonesia worry treatment because doctors always prescribe antibiotics. Meanwhile, the Indonesian people concerned with prescription overseas, because they are not given antibiotics. Even most of Indonesia took the initiative to buy antibiotics alone to a pharmacy or drug store, despite having only mild flu. If you are one of them, you should begin to get rid of the habit.

Excessive use of antibiotics will only negatively impact the patient because of the germs that attack would be resistant to the antibiotic. In other words, the body no longer has immunity itself, but should be helped by antibiotics. Levels of antibiotics should always be raised to get past the resistance level of the bacteria. Although research on antibiotics has become more developed, concerns about the resistance has not completely disappeared.

Indiscriminate use of antibiotics will kill the good bacteria that serves to maintain the balance of bacteria as well as against evil .

Here are the things you should consider when you have to take antibiotics :
  • Antibiotics consumed only when there is an indication that you should consult with your doctor to get the right treatment . It could be , an indication that you are experiencing is not caused by bacterial infection .
  • When taking antibiotics , take the medicine according to doctor's prescription until you recover . Stop eating when you are not healed will only make the bacteria become resistant surviving .
  • Because of its antibacterial properties between the different types of antibiotics with other antibiotics , the antibiotics prescribed medication should be used only as necessary . If it is experiencing an indication , do not take antibiotics prior residual disease . Your disease is now not necessarily the same as your previous illness .
Characteristics of antibiotic drugs are prescribed when the body is infected by bacteria. Does that mean there are no antibiotics that can be consumed before getting infected? In other words, as a precaution against malicious attacks bacteria?

You can find it on the antibiotic properties of Propolis Bee HD products. HD Bee Propolis is a health supplement that enhances the body's natural defensee system, not weaken it as done by antibiotics.

The quality of the product is made ​​possible by the content of natural bee propolis has been scientifically proven to work as a natural antibiotic, anti-oxidant and potent antimicrobial. Bee propolis is so protective honeycomb nest, colony eggs, and larvae remain sterile and protected from disease.

In addition to prevention, HD Bee Propolis consumption along with a doctor's prescription will speed up your healing process.


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