Nasopharyngeal cancer

Nasopharyngeal Cancer Symptoms Minimal, Difficult Detected 

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer is one of the most deadly diseases suffered by the people of my city. Beware, because the cancer is minimal symptoms and grow in a tough spot detected. 

Why is difficult to detect? Therefore, nasopharyngeal cancer usually grows in the cavity behind the nose, or in the back of the oral cavity ceiling. According to the Ear Nose Throat Specialist (ENT) from Dharmais Cancer Hospital Dr. Budianto Komari, KSMF, nasopharyngeal cancer patients detected in an advanced stage. 

"This happens because the location of a hidden cancer that is sometimes difficult to detect. Cancer that grows on the side wall of the nasopharynx, in a hidden place that is not easily seen by examination. Additionally, the patient does not complain of pain against bumps that arise," said Budi, Budianto familiar greeting of dr. 

He explains, early symptoms in patients with nasopharyngeal cancer, among other things, hearing loss. While he continued disturbance can be felt if the tumor spreads to the brain that can lead to fainting, or if spreads to the lungs can make the patient to cough. "The lump solid and it does not hurt to watch and suspect because if the lump hurt, then it's just a regular infection," said Budi. 

Further said, it triggered a patient habits like eating foods that affect the onset of disease, such as salted fish, dried meat in large quantities. "Just like other cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer is also a cancer of unknown cause. However, mentioned that food is food that trigger the onset of nasopharyngeal cancer. Moreover, industrial smoke or incense or incense smoke also affects," he said. 

Budi advised, if any man have a hearing loss on one side of the right or left, while removing mucus (snot) there was blood, and generally experienced the Mongoloid race (China), the concerned should immediately see a doctor. "It needs to watch out and do immediately ENT examination," he said. 

Meanwhile, one of nasopharyngeal cancer patients, USDI Priatna Jaya (41) recounted his experience when he first declared nasopharyngeal cancer. At that time, in April 2008, USDI rid of phlegm and there were spots of blood in the sputum. "Because I do not know and wondered if it was dangerous spots of blood, so I asked my friend who happened to be a doctor. He said that it was common if not accompanied by a cough," said the father of two children. 

Furthermore, USDI also did not do further tests. However, in early November, he felt something strange in the ears. He had an interruption in receiving incoming sound. 
"It was like a take in water, inside my ear drum, not on the outside. Ears are closed and I like the old-old deaf," he says.

Nasopharyngeal cancer

Not long ago because it was a little disturbed in carrying out daily activities, then he went to the ENT specialty hospitals. From the results of the examination, the doctor said there sores in the ears. Then the doctor took the action with the treatment of ulcers of the stabbing outside. After treatment, a week later, USDI are suggested to do a CT scan and then a biopsy. 

"Once the biopsy is performed, and then the doctor said that I had cancer in the back of the nose (nasopharynx)," he said. 

Because tumors do not believe, USDI reinvestigate at another hospital. The result turns out she had stage 4 nasopharyngeal cancer in late November last year. "Right now I've been doing radiation to cure cancer. Having said that, if there are symptoms you should immediately inspect it carefully," he advised. 

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