Myoma uteri

Myoma uteri Can Drop Content

Myoma uteri Can Drop Content

Myoma is a tumor which is entrenched in the female reproductive organs. Up to now, the number of patients is not known accurately because many do not feel the complaints so it is not immediately see a doctor. But according to estimates, about 20-30 percent occur in women of childbearing age. Myoma uteri can cause infertile women or trouble conceiving because of the location of myomas create channels egg impasse.

Myomas can also grow in the reproductive deeper. Myoma is more severe because it can cause miscarriage. Other disorder is a disorder where the baby and placenta, birth canal obstruction, weakness during uterine contractions, bleeding a lot after delivery and release of placental disorders.

Myoma growth is influenced by changes in estrogen stimulation. Myomas rarely found in women who had no menstrual period. In the productive age, myomas in a woman will shrink because esterogennya levels have been reduced. Myomas most often found in women who inadvertently went to the gynecologist. Myoma itself derived from the smooth muscle of the uterus and in some cases found to originate from vascular smooth muscle of the uterus.

Causes and Symptoms

Fibroid size varies, ranging from 1-30 cm. The number is very varied. Can be only one, can also be found in large numbers. According to Dr. Sigit Purbadi SpOG of Hospital Pantai Indah Kapok, Jakarta, where the myoma was varied. There is a muscle located in the middle of the uterus and there is are at the edge of the uterine muscle and tend to protrude to the outside wall of the uterus.

Until now the exact cause of fibroids is unknown. But experts agree that fibroids factors associated with talent that is triggered by the hormone estrogen.

"The cause of myomas is the uterus muscles that are sensitive to certain hormones estrogen stimulation. In obese people fat could be estrogen and stimulate the muscles become hypersensitive and make it grow excessively, "he explained.

In general, women who have no symptoms of myoma uteri in particular. "Mioma 50-60 percent have no symptoms and the symptoms usually can be due to menstrual bleeding and very much or irregular bleeding so the patient does not know the true menstrual. Even outside, "he continued. Patients will also feel the pain right after sex or when there is an emphasis on the pelvis.

During pregnancy, uterine myomas tend to enlarge it suppresses the urinary tract, so the frequency of urination very frequently. It could even lead to swelling of the kidneys.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine Myoma

Diagnosis is based on the results of an ultrasound examination. "Diagnosis by chance does it mean when he wants to check (medical check-ups) and other symptoms, it was found myomas in her womb," he said.

For myomas small size and not enlarged, quite dilakukkan routine every 3-6 months. In other words, an indication that the treatment is done on eliminating the symptoms arise. "If it does not interfere with uterine reproductive process, so no need to do surgery to lift it," he said.

But for myomas grow bigger and cause a full feeling in the stomach, surgery needs to be done. Here, the doctor will usually first ask the patient whether they would use her uterus for reproduction process again. If there is no possibility, doctors will be raised along with uterine myoma is mostly filled with myomas.

Prevention of myoma uteri

Although myomas can be treated with surgery, myomas can re-grow. But in a small frequency. There is no specific thing that could dilakukkan to prevent the return of myomas grow. It's good every woman conduct reproductive health checks on a regular basis every year.

Tests that can be done is a paps smear examination for women who had sexual intercourse, vaginal ultrasound examination or through the rectum for a woman who has never had sexual intercourse.


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