DISEASE Bell's palsy

BELL'S PALSYThere is a person feel healthy life, but suddenly one morning, he wakes up fit, he suddenly felt that face he could not move at all.

He thought the mild stroke, but after being checked blood sugar, and blood pressure as well kolestelor normal. After being diagnosed more attack turns him who called Bell's palsy.

Causes of bell's palsy

Turns out he does not realize that he was often exposed to air conditioning in his office and he also frequently directed towards the AC in the car body & face

This is the cause, even though he does not smoke, drink alcohol, and he's always healthy life, as a result, half of her face can not move. He could not smile, eyes that could not blink right & even her tongue can not move to the right.

This is due to nerve inflammation to seven (7), which is located in the neck behind the ear down to us. So from now protect your neck with a scarf or not to sit in that spot exposed to direct air conditioning. Do not point the wind blast of air directly into the body and our face.

BELL'S PALSYBell's palsy causes of the second

Disease Bell's palsy can also cause wind sitting or colds to heart (due to other causes may be sudden death) or subject to pneumonia and others.

Tell and save your friends who care about that are even more who are victims. This disease comes on suddenly, might be able to attack you.

Source: Dr. William MBA.

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