Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath is a common health problem which greatly affects the day today activities on the many people. Compelling open mouth odor is unpleasant for those in direct contact with the odor. The problem is that is doubled by psychological trauma to depression. Affected by this problem will be isolated from society. It can even lead to marital disharmony.

Almost everyone is man bad
breathres. The mouth contains millions of anaerobic bacteria such as Fusobacterium and Actinomyces, the protein in food ingredients and worked putrifies. This process leads to the formation of gases such as hydrogen openly offensive, mescaptan methyl, cadaverine, putrescine, skatole, etc. causes odor. If oral hygiene is not maintained properly all will suffer from bad breath. Most of us with regular cleaning of your teeth, tongue and cheeks covered. Maintenance tablets even after cleaning the mouth some individual suffers many compelling reasons to open the right must be diagnosed and treated badly.

Some common causes of bad breath.
. Poor oral hygiene:
If oral hygiene is not easy to produce word-based on millions of bacteria, the gas, which remains open compelling. Bad breath is difficult for those who do not regularly brush your teeth and mouth clean after every meal. Snacks between these two meals can be bad breath caused by inadequate cleaning.
breath is common in almost every waking in the morning. During sleep, the less production of saliva, saliva has some antibacterial properties that help keep the mouth clean. Saliva contains molecular oxygen required for the oral cavity aerobic. This means that reducing the amount of sleep due to the favorable conditions for anaerobic bacteria.

2. Eating habits:
The main cause of the smell was due to degradation of proteins by bacteria, and thus any protein-rich foods promote bad breath. Meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, biscuits, nuts, pears, etc., can cause bad breath. Some food articles can produce particular type of odor can be as bad. Raw onion can produce typical odor. He said that an apple a day doctor, keep raw onion a day keeps everything. Eating peanuts can halitosis. However, it is possible if the cleaning is done smell diminish, regardless of the type of food. Irregularities during the meal can be bad breath. Small food articles taken in between meals may also have bad breath.

. Biofilms:
It is the formation of a thin sticky layer called biofilm on the tongue and oral mucosa. This layer is thick at the rear aspect of the tongue where millions of gram-negative effect. A thick layer of language is always associated with bad
breath. Even a thin biofilm can create favorable conditions for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria.

4. Holes:
It is a destructive process, the decalcification of enamel and dentin Distruction which cavitisation in the teeth. It is produced mainly lactobacilli. Food particles deposited in these cavities and tooth decay anaerobic odor producing bacteria. Regular brushing removes food particles and is therefore easily broken down completely. Caries in children in the school practice, and those who do
not maintain proper oral hygiene. Calcium and vitamin deficiency may also affect decomposition.

. Gingivitis:
Rubber supports connective tissue of the tooth with rubber jaw line is the main function of protection
.Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums. From various causes the gums to the infection causing pain, swelling and discharge caused. If the condition worsens, periodontal infections is distributed in the sustained release of so-called pyorrhea. Sometimes the infection is still producing alveolar abscess with pus performance. The infection can be caused to the bone osteomyelitis. All This condition can lead to intensive odor to open.

6. Gum bypass
When the implementation of the law which the teeth have a gap, to announce the food and cause bad breath.

. Deposits of plaque and tartar, plaque and tartar are deposited particularly in the area between the teeth and gums. This will result in the protection of food and bacteria, bad breath.

. Ulcerative lesions and coatings:
Almost all ulcerative oral lesions associated with halitosis. These injuries can be caused by bacteria, viruses, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Apthous ulcers are common in ulcerative lesions. Other herpes, fungal infections, Vincent angina, infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever, diphtheria, side effects, and so on. Cancers severe halitosis. All fungal infections produce white (candidiasis). Leukoplakia is a thick white patch on the lining of the mouth and tongue. He is considered a precancerous condition. Respiratory compelling opening associated with this disease.

. Diseases of the salivary glands:
Saliva is very useful for providing oxygen to all parts of the oral cavity. Even a thin layer called biofilm can anaerobic conditions in the mouth. Saliva can wet these layers and the improvement of conditions unfavorable for the bacteria. Each condition, the production of saliva reduces bacterial activity. Several salivary gland ducts is blocked by stones or affiliated tumors.
Cancer compelling salivary glands open to the smell. In suppurative parotitis purulant discharge mouth causes bad breath.

. Tonsillitis:
Almonds are a couple of lymph tissue in the wall of the oropharynx road. Inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Bad breath is seen in acute and chronic tonsillitis. Tonsillitis or peritonsillar abscess can cause bad breath.

. Plaques and almonds liquid:
If bad breath is to receive proper oral hygiene is the possibility of this condition. Secreated serous fluid folds of the tonsils is open riveting. Some patients complain that Hawk some cheap stuff from the neck very open in the compelling nature. They are formed in the tonsils graves with thousands of bacteria. Under such circumstances almonds noticeable relief of bad breath.

. Pharyngitis and abscesses pharyngial:
The throat is a fibromuscular tube that part of the digestive and respiratory tract. Throat is called pharyngitis Inflmmation mainly caused by bacteria and viruses. Bad breath is in his throat, along with other symptoms such as coughing and coughing. Abscesses in the wall of the pharynx may also be a discharge of pus in the neck opening compelling.
13. Prosthesis:
Dentures can complain about the smell caused by accumulation of small notes in the center. A thorough cleaning is not possible, reimburse users especially fixed dentures.

. Tobacco:
Chewing tobacco is associated with bad breath. Smell of tobacco itself is annoying to others. Tobacco can irritate the lining and cause ulcers and coatings. Gingivitis and pyorrhea regular tobacco chewers. Calculus applied to the teeth, especially near the gums. Tobacco chewers with regurgitation of stomach acid. All open compelling cause odor.

. Smoking:
Smokers have more bad breath. It can also cause injuries to the mouth and lungs, leading to increased carbon dioxide in breath. Smoking arms in the oral cavity and reduces the oxygen, making favorable conditions for bacteria. Appetite and thirst smoking reduce stomach diseases common in chain smokers.

. Lesions in the nose and ears:
Bad breath are occasionally seen in sinusitis (sinus infection). In the case of post nasal drip, bad breath is often due to the presence of protein in the mud. These are proteins of bacteria. Middle ear with drainage of pus in the throat by the Eustachian tube (part of the middle ear to the throat) can also cause bad compelling opening. Chronic rhinitis (inflammation of the nose) and foreign bodies in the nose can also be a bad breath.

. Diabetes mellitus:
Almost all patients with diabetes suffer from bad breath. Coated tongue, ulcers and coatings in the mouth, elevated blood sugar levels in tissues, etc. are responsible for growing breath. Bacterial wrong with the patient is very faster than non-diabetics.

. Fever:
Bad breath is in almost all fevers. Even an acute fever can be bad breath. Bad breath is seen in severe typhoid. Other infectious diseases as tuberculosis, AIDS, etc. creates an unpleasant odor.
. Fasting & dehydration:
Dry mouth promotes bacterial activity. Therefore, no conditions, dry mouth to breathe, you create immersive. Even if food is known to produce bad breath, fasting can also be the same. The production of saliva is also reduced during fasting. Chewing and swallowing helps clean the mouth.

. Bedridden patients:
Bedridden patients breathing through open gripping thick layer on the tongue. Water intake is also limited in these patients. Regurgitation worsening condition. Why talk less aeration in the oral cavity reduces the benefits of anaerobic bacteria to become active.

. Diseases of the stomach and esophagus:
Explosion of gas and groceries with unpleasant odors. Abnormalities in the function of the sphincter can allow food to cause bad breath to recover. Bad breath is often in the stomach, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

. Intestinal diseases:
Bad breath, in patients with ulcerative lesions of intestine like ulcerative Collita common
.other diseases, malabsorption syndrome intestinal tuberculosis, peritonitis, etc.

. Pulmonary disease:
Lung diseases such as pneumonia, lung abscess, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, etc. can produce bad breath.

. Liver disease:
Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, can cause bladder with vomiting also causes unpleasant odors breath.

. Psychiatric patients:
Bad breath is common in psychotic patients due to poor hygiene, irregular food habits, less water uptake and the EC Treaty.

. Somatization:
It is a psychiatric disorder characterized physical symptoms that suggest a medical illness. These patients with physical problems such as pain, nausea, shortness of breath, smell, etc. This condition is diagnosed after a thorough investigation of patients with investigations. Since all this is that psychiatric disorders should be managed by psychological approach.

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