Avoid Sweaty Armpits

Overcoming Sweaty armpits certainly important to support our appearance. While Sweating has many benefits, It could be embarrassed when we are going to attend an important event, when we going to shake hands but clothes in the armpit area is sweaty? In addition to making us less confident, others who see will feel uncomfortable to see it.

Causes of excessive sweating?

Overcoming wet armpits to be more efficient and effective, we need to know the cause. Causes sweaty armpits from one person to another person may be different. Here are some causes that are believed to be the cause of wet armpits.

coffee consumption

Caffeine in coffee can stimulate the central nervous system to activate the sweat glands, so the more caffeine consumed, the more you sweat production anyway. And one place is the armpit sweating.

Food and hot drinks

When eating hot food or drink, your body temperature increases and eventually make you sweat more.

Spicy foods

Some people have a reaction to the increased production of sweat when eating spicy foods. The human brain reacts to capsaicin, the substance in chilli is hot which can activate the sweat glands work.

Pre menstruation Syndrome (PMS)

By the time women have Premenstruation Syndrome (PMS), estrogen levels drop to low, causing overheating. It can also occur in women whose hormone levels fluctuate dramatically.

Alcoholic beverages

When consuming alcohol, your body will go through the process of vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels that cause increased skin temperature. So that the brain sends a signal to cool the body by way of sweat.


Nicotine affects hormone levels, skin and brain. Nicotine can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, all of which can lead to sweating.


Certain drugs can make more sweat production, for example, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and some diabetes medications.

How avoid Sweaty Armpits?

Overcoming wet armpits can be done with a few simple ways. Listed below are a few ways to overcome the wet armpits easy, safe and convenient to do. Check this out!

Adjust your diet

Too often eat spicy foods and drinking a hot beverage is not good, you know, because the food and drinks can trigger the sweat glands to work sweat more.

Use deodorant

Use a deodorant or antiperspirant
It is the most frequently performed to overcome the wet armpits, namely wear deodorant or antiperspirant after bathing. Deodorant can help mask underarm odor, whereas antiperspirants contain ingredients that are designed to stop sweat. It is recommended to avoid deodorant that contains a lot of perfume, because perfume can increase the production of bacteria and sweat in the armpits.

Baking soda

Apply baking soda that has been mixed with water in the ratio of 2: 1 for 25 minutes. Baking soda contains alkaline which can produce gas that reduce sweating in the armpit. Perform routine every day for a week.

Apple cider vinegar or vinegar wheat

Apply apple cider vinegar or vinegar wheat to cover the entire surface of the armpit before bed. Let one night. Vinegar can kill bad bacteria, eliminate odors and eliminate excessive sweating. After that wash underarms with soap water in the morning.

Use comfortable clothes

Use clothing made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool or linen. The type of clothing allows the skin to breathe and keep underarms stay dry. Avoid tight clothing.

Reduce stress

Stress can affect the production of sweat becomes more. Try to relax, calm and not easily emotions. A healthy lifestyle can help the body maintain normal fixed sweat. So first way of our avoid sweaty armpits.

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