Pinched Nerve Therapy Overcoming the Electrical & Herbal godok

Solid activity makes people tired . Body will feel pain , especially bending or turning . If you feel like it , do not let it . Who knows you pinched nerve . How do I fix this ?

Pinched Nerve Therapy Overcoming the Electrical & Herbs godok

Pinched Nerve Therapy Overcoming the Electrical & Herbal godok

Pinched nerve disorders or in medical terms is called cervical radiculopathy , is a disturbance that causes pain , numbness , sometimes from unknown sources . Such a situation usually occurs because of damage or shifting the composition of the bones or joints ( disc ) , such as the joints in the area around the neck .

Just to note , we collarbone actually composed of numerous vertebrae joints . And in between these segments are bearing joints ( discus ) . In addition to the disc , there are also nerves that move or give a stimulus to some members of the body . If no cushion joints dislocated , which will be pinched nerve .

Causes :

The most common cause is HNP ( Herniasis Nucleua pulposus ) due to traumatic events , such as lifting heavy loads with the wrong body position . For patients with osteoporosis , any movement at all can happen trauma . Sitting with the wrong body position continuously can cause HNP , which means it can happen once , then there is trauma . But it could also run chronic or chronic . Not only that , a pinched nerve can also be caused by hereditary factors .

As many as 80 percent of patients who complain of pain usually linked to spinal problems or back problems , ranging from pinched nerves to the affected joints . Pain in the spine can suffer 2-3 weeks old . The intensity of the pain can be mild , moderate , and severe . If pain is severe , or treatment must be swift action . However , there are times when one can feel the pain much longer , even repeatedly .

Pinched nerve , buried by certain fluids in the body or other objects wedged outside the body , affecting the muscles and nerves . As a result , some syndromes can arise , including carpal canal syndrome , tarsal canal syndrome , syndrome ulnar , radial canal syndrome , and hernia central nervous system .

Carpal canal syndrome occurs due to suppression of sensory nerves in the wrist or carpal tunnel . Nerve median nerve or nerves get in the middle of the palm of the hand between the flexor tendons and the flexor retinaculum . This small cavity is the carpal canal ( carpal tunnel ) . Refinement by fat or fluid surrounding the nerve pressing the median nerve . It can also occur due to complications of pregnancy , oisitas , and rheumatism . Such as carpal canal syndrome , tarsal canal syndrome also have the same symptoms and it happened . It's just this one syndrome could be on your toes . This syndrome usually suffered by men .

In contrast to both the nerve , the ulnar nerve or nerve normally pinched ulna in the elbow area . Symptoms can be removed by surgery nerve to the elbow . The ulnar nerve can also be disrupted if there is prolonged pressure on the palm of the hand . It usually occurs in manual labor or heavy stick due to the pressure in the palm of the hand . Radial canal syndrome occurs because the radial nerve entrance to the tunnel in the forearm muscles stressed muscles . Generally caused by the contraction of the forearm is too strong , such as swinging something . Symptoms such as pain in the back of the forearm just below the elbow . Sometimes pain is also felt in the wrist .

Electricity and Herbal Therapy godok :

To cope with a pinched nerve disorders , alternative medicine can be a pretty effective way out . One alternative treatment can be quite effective way out . One of the alternative treatment is electrical therapy and herbal godok of Ki Wongso . This therapy is accompanied by prayer ( according to the religion of the patient ) .

According to Ki Wongso , essentially a disease caused by junk food long period turns into poison . This poison which occupy different parts of the gut as a digestive system . Therefore , it should be discarded toxins . " Eat sparingly and stop before satiety , " he said in Kaswari Jalan Raya , Bintaro , Tangerang . It is better to eat foods that are not tar contamination by chemicals .

Massage or electrical therapy performed by Ki Wongso the same as shock therapy on the body . Its function is to make a surprise against the veins are weakened nerves , blood circulation is blocked , a collection of veins that move and freeze fat metabolism caused by a disruption of the body as toxins .

The first is done by Ki Wongso before doing the massage is putting all the items that contain magnets . After that Ki Wongso start stepping tool that will supply power to the body . Electricity received by Ki Wongso that will be transferred to the patient's body . Massaging is done usually in the form of nerve pressure points on the patient's body , starting from the neck , shoulders up to the point of pain perceived by the patient . This section is still the early stages of therapy .

Furthermore, patients will be given in the form of herbal concoctions godok to destroy toxins in the body . Potions made ​​by Wongso Ki is derived from roots, leaves , seeds , and stems from a variety of trees , and spices that since the time of the ancestors are believed to have properties . The last step is to pray according to the patient's confidence .


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