Bone cancer
Bone cancer may suffer little children to senior citizens . Although others can be started from the spread of cancer , the exact cause is not known . Chiropractors from Dharmais Cancer Hospital ( RSKD ) Jakarta , Dr Achmad Basuki SpOT , revealed the appearance of bone cancer can happen just like that , aka " de novo " . That is , can be started from the bone cells that Become malignant . Bone cancer can be initiated from the tumor , a term used to describe an abnormal lump on the body . According to Achmad Basuki or familiarly called Abas , bone tumor is divided into two , namely musculoskeletal neoplasms ( muscular system) and bone neoplasms .
Neoplasms ( neos = new , = plasma formation) is a tumor composed of a network of new abnormal , excessive growth , uncoordinated , and continues to grow despite the stimulus that has been stopped by the caused it . Neoplasms can be benign or malignant . Called tame if the new network was just pressing the surrounding tissue , and malignant said if it is Able to penetrate the surrounding tissue to spread throughout the body via the blood and lymph fluids . Well , based on the network , this is called a malignant neoplasm cancer or sarcoma . " No bone tumors that are primary and secondary .
For the primary cause is unknown , while the secondary is Often by the caused by the spread of cancer beyond the bone , " the general said Abas . Generally , the number of cases of malignant bone tumors up to now it is still fairly low , at only about 0.2 percent of the overall cancer rate , or about 0.8 cases per 100,000 population a year.
Bone cancer itself there are many kinds . Some of them are malignant osteosarcoma , ewing sarcoma and kondrosarkoma . Osteosarcoma Often found in children aged less than 10 years of age or older is less than 20 . While generally experienced kondrosarkoma age 40-60 . According to Abas , the name is based on the differentiation of bone cells where the tumor originated . For example , osteosarcoma osteus derived from bone , while bone cartilage cells . Tumor kondrosarkoma of many experienced bone in the foot area.
However , in Patients who have had previous cancer , especially those who have stage four , the spine is usually the fastest attack . Abas argues , unlike soft tissue , bone is a solid organ that is not flexible . If it can be very painful hurt by the caused by pressure , swelling or lumps . Keep in mind also that the bone cancer has nothing to do with the incidence of injury due to trauma or fall . However , we must REMAIN Vigilant . Because , the people who had brought " talent " cancer in the body , the event of injury or trauma may be the beginning of a known tumor these cells . Then , Including how to Determine a lump of bone tumor or not ? Abas example , in the fall and felt sick for example , the pain should diminish or disappear after being given an analgesic ( painkiller ) .
But the reality in the case of a tumor or cancer of the bone , the pain did not go away , and instead continue to grow its analgesic dose . At the final stage even up to use morphine to relieve the pain . " The pain is usually more pronounced at night . Sometimes just a little sprain severe pain . Locally common symptoms such as swelling of the increase of in size , as well as a decline in the general state of Decreased body weight and endurance , " said Abas as he revealed that the tumors can grow quickly intervening in a matter of months . To detect the presence of tumor cells can be made simple with the X - ray examination , roomates will look at Whether there is a reaction ( something active ) in the bone . However , to be Able to see a whole should do a bone scan ( bone scan ) , in the secondary cancers roomates useful to look at the spread of the tumor or cancer cells . With bone scan , 10 percent of bone destruction can be Arrested . If encountered strong indication , then performed a biopsy as a base to Determine the type of tumor and the next .
Unfortunately the action , in my city , as well as other cancers , many Patients who come to the tumor shape has been enlarged so that there is no other way except to amputation . " Amputation is the golden standard in the treatment of bone cancer . And do not worry Because the patient can still move with a reasonable post - amputation , " he said. In general , administration of bone cancer through three modalities of therapy , ie , surgery , chemotherapy and radiation . However , when it stages sarcoma (malignant ) are usually not very good response to chemotherapy or radiation . " If the huge mass of the tumor , the response is only 20-40 percent . So it should be operated on first , " he said . Besides amputation , other operating measures Aimed at saving function of the foot is limp Salvage , where the bones will be " cleaned" by rays .
This operation can be done with the requirement bone cortex intact . Post - surgery , physiotherapy will be done . " Long ago , the life expectancy of
Cancer Patients within five years of bone around 30-40 percent . Now reached 80 per cent , " it may be said he said .
Bone cancer can not be prevented . For those who have a history of bone cancer pain outside , Abas suggested evaluations per month , or at least once a year for those who have a secondary stage. " The goal is to see the possibility of spreading to other networks , " he concluded . Still hard In contrast with the diagnosis of cervical cancer or
breast cancer , information about symptoms of bone cancer is still very small . No wonder if bone cancer is Often Diagnosed in an ordinary late .
Often the public not aware of the symptoms are similar to bone cancer as arthritis and osteoporosis , roomates is pain in the bones or joints and the swelling or lumps . It also makes it difficult doctors diagnose bone cancer . Dharmais Cancer Hospital , mostly teenage Patients , between 13-20 years.This year 1960 only bone cancer surgery / amputation . Life expectancy of 20 percent . 1980s with adjuvant therapy , life expectancy Increased to 80 percent . Now Patients with malignant tumors were given chemotherapy before surgery to Prevent the proliferation of tumor spread and deadly child . Currently in bone cancer surgery , the patient was not amputated , but cleared the tumor and surrounding soft tissue , and then taken part reconstructed with artificial bone ( prosthese ) or with human bone ( allograft ) to restore locomotor function . Human bone Obtained from a donor who was taken up to four hours after death and preserved at a temperature of - 80 degrees Celsius .
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