Two Ways to Fight Obesity

Two Ways to Fight Obesity

Diet and exercise are the two most NAMAs Efforts to fight childhood obesity has Become a worldwide epidemic . When parents who have obese children worried their children will be injured when exercising , try to consult with a nutritionist in order to design a diet and exercise to help your child lose body weight .

What exactly causes a child overweight or obese ? We hope pediatricians RSAB in my city , dr Tinuk Supreme Meilany SpA , said that about 95 percent of obese children due to nutritional aspects , while 5 percent are other causes such as disease or hormonal abnormalities .

" Nutrition related to diet . Causes of obesity is an imbalance between the amount of food intake ( input ) to the output ( output ) in the form of energy to move , " said a woman who is familiarly called Tinuk .

In order to Obtain the balanced nutrition , parents , especially the mothers need to know the caloric needs of their children . Should not be excessive . Therefore , the human body has the ability to convert excess calories into fat roomates could be the source of obesity . For instance , children up to the age of 5 years requirement is 100 calories per kilogram of body weight .

From there anything can be planned menu that can be selected and applied to the child every day . Suppose a small bowl of porridge three times a day plus three glasses of milk a day , fruit , and a little snack .

" If still in doubt , the mother can ask your doctor or nutritionist about a balanced sample daily menu . Subsequently , the menu itself can be varied so as not to get bored , " he said.

Unlike adults , a body mass index ( BMI ) in children is more difficult to Determine Because every month or year can be changed , and generally IMT young boys and girls are different . Assessment is usually based on the percentile growth curve or curves recorded at Health Card ( KMS ) of each child and monitored from infancy . Similarly , child caloric needs with increase of age and activity .

"Individual factors also should not be forgotten . There are children who can not spend large amounts of food , usually a little , but Often for example . Thing as it also needs to be Considered in Determining the NAMAs diet , " he said.

Often without conscious parents also applied habits or things that are " pro - fat " . Not just a diet , also through day - to- day activities . Moreover , the modern sedentary lifestyle tends to the make children lazy .

" Go to school escorted bus , at school spending burger , after school playing games while snacking , home air conditioning turned on the TV and use the remote , if the maids ' m hungry live . Consequently sedentary children and get fat , " said Tinuk .

Two Ways to Fight Obesity
Currently , measurement of waist circumference in adults is Often recommended as an " alarm " over the state of health , Including symptoms of metabolic syndrome . However , for the children , BMI measurement is Considered more representative profile of their health in the future , Including the risk of heart disease .

For parents who do not want to bother take measurements , there is a simple way to monitor children categorized as obese . Character is doubled belly fat , double chin , cheeks forward ( to the extent that such sunken nose ) , and there are folds of fat on the back of the upper arm . Moreover , in obese children are usually the back of the neck area also blackened .

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