Stop Smoking Before It's Too Late

Stop Smoking Before It's Too Late
Stop Smoking Before It's Too Late
VARIOUS disease threats behind cigarette smoking did not dampen the addict to continue sucking hand-rolled tobacco . For them , eliminating the smoking habit is not easy for .

It was not easy to stop smoking . Many smokers who failed to stop the habit of smoking tobacco . Nothing worked, but only temporarily , after the smoke back into the habit . Even for cigarette addicts , they will lose creativity when not smoked a cigarette .

Smoking is a habit which is hard to break because of the addictive nature of nicotine . But according to a study from the United States conducted the New England Journal of Medicine , social support has an important role in deciding whether a person to start or stop smoking .

Specialist Doctor Psycho from Friendship Hospital , Dr. Tribowo T Ginting SpKJ , said that the cause of a person being a smoker usually begins during adolescence . Reasons were varied , as trial and error , went along with , fun and bored because nothing was done . There is also a smoke with reason to look up and to increase confidence .

"The issue of smoking , nicotine problem , is also associated with psychiatric problems . Because if disconnected , disconnection will occur symptoms of nicotine substance that will relate to a person's psychological problems who want to quit smoking , " he explained .

Nicotine can affect mood and appearance and be a source of dependency . In the event of withdrawal symptoms of nicotine , tobacco addiction also occurs (craving ) , irritable and angry , anxious restlessness , concentration problems , not calm headache , drowsiness , and gastrointestinal disorders.

Tribowo also added that compared to cocaine and morphine , nicotine is an addictive component (addictive ) 5-10 times more potent psychoactive effects in humans . Its burden of which decrease productivity , economic burden , social , health , and ultimately lead to death.

" To support smokers to quit smoking and ultimately reduce the number of mortality caused by smoking, it takes an integrated solution that intensive therapy with the ease of access , " said a doctor Bowo , greeting familiar Tribowo dr . " If you want to quit smoking , can convince yourself to quit smoking , " the message.

Avoid smoker friends for some time . Stay away from cigarettes ( cigarettes and dispose of get rid of things that related to smoking ) . Make busyness and drink at least eight glasses of water a day ( to rid the body of nicotine ), and consumption of healthy food without spices are spicy, and reduce the fizzy drinks and coffee.

Bowo said that, in addition to need support from others to help and motivate, also needed a strong desire to quit smoking, because smoking cessation is a process that requires time or stage.

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