Skin Disorders in Infants

Skin Disorders in Infants
SKIN is still sensitive makes skin prone to health problems . Ranging from diaper rash , crust heads , to prickly heat . Do not underestimate ! Skin disorders in infants must be addressed immediately .

Healthy and cute baby is sure to be the desire of each partner . But , of course, not all babies are lucky with good health . Especially in children who are still babies , illnesses can strike with ease .

Babies are very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment . No doubt make a lot of babies have health problems . Health problems in infants is very diverse , such as respiratory , cardiac , or mild as influenza can be transmitted from mother , brother or guests who visit the house .

Not a few infants who have skin disorders . Although relatively mild and non-fatal , skin disorders in children are still babies to watch . Skin diseases in infants and children includes a variety of disorders, ranging from a lowered ( hereditary ) or congenital , infectious , inflammatory , developmental disorders , or it could be due to metabolic disorder of the baby .

Skin Disorders in InfantsSkin disorder in infants may be different with the same disease in older children and adults . Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in infants can be confusing because of the reaction pattern is more sensitive , easier tendency arises blisters , and the dose of medication that is often different from adults .

" If parents find healthy skin disorders in infants , immediately take it to the hospital . Due , to detect abnormalities in the baby's skin needs a thorough examination , " said Children's Specialist Hospital Cipto Mangunkususumo ( RSCM ) Dr Dewi Maria.

According to doctors the space technology books , various types of skin disorders in infants can be found , among skin disorders such as diaper rash , crust heads , prickly heat , blackheads until beruntus disorder called fat .

" Diaper rash in medical terms is referred to as eczema or dermatitis . Disorder is caused by inflammation of skin in the diaper-covered area , " he said .

Diaper rash usually occurs around the groin area , buttocks , anus , and lower abdomen . Diaper rash often occurs in infants or children under three years old still in diapers . Symptoms, if mild , just a redness in the diaper-covered area . When more severe , red spots arise , blisters or sores , scaly , sometimes wet , and swollen .

" If you have this , usually the baby will fuss and cry , " he said .

Cause of diaper rash is a parent who does not immediately change the baby's diaper after urinating or large . " Urine and feces ( stool ) are not immediately cleared to form ammonia and increase the acidity ( pH ) and eventually cause skin irritation , " he said .

Unlike the diaper rash caused late to change diapers , crust heads or commonly referred to as ulcers is due to inflammation of the scalp . Skin disorder known in the medical world craddle cap is shaped like a scaly skin .

" From the studies that have been done , head crust known as inflammation of the skin on the oily areas because there is disruption of the oil glands . Disorder is also genetic or inherited , " he said .

How to clean the scalp usually overcome with caution because the baby's scalp is delicate and thin . Head crust will also inhibit the release of sweat . If allowed , the layer of dead skin cells will be more and more and finally arises also prickly heat boils on head .

Other skin disorders that are often found in infants is diaper rash . Prickly heat caused by excessive sweat production , accompanied by blockage of the sweat gland duct . Usually the limbs are attacked forehead , neck , head , chest, back , or enclosed places are experiencing friction with clothing .

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One Response to “Health and Fitness Article”

  • Unknown says:

    Yea I regularly go to two myself. Each time it seems like one or the other doctor misses something that the other catches. It's a little unsettling how often that happens, don’t mean to worry you even more but I would definitely go get a second opinion. Be sure to have them receive a copy of the original pathology too, not just the written description but the actual slide of the specimen itself. I recently had my original melanoma re-examined just for shits and giggles, I believe the labs hold them for 10-15yrs before destroying them completely so the fact that you just had yours done shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Skin disorers

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